Stackoverflow: User inputs for Rmarkdown without shiny

Publicado por Johan Rosa , 2022-03-09

This was the title of a stackOverflow questinon that I answered. The user needed interactivity without shiny as dependency.

This is something that can be done but you need to know a little of JavaScript or use a very specific package like {crosstalk}. I do not think there is another way to get it done.

With that in mind I gave him an option, maybe not exactly what he was looking for, but a useful one.

X coordinate

Y coordinate

As you can see, it works, and the way I make it work is what I am going to share. Here is the step by step process.

Creating the user interface

The first step is to create the user interface within the document. For this I used raw html and pandoc syntax. The idea was to let the user input a series of data coordinates to update a plotly visualization.

<!-- This is a container for your inputs -->


### X coordinate
## A collection of numeric inputs
<input type='number' value=5 id='x1' class='x'>
<input type='number' value=2.5 id='x2' class='x'>
<input type='number' value=7.5 id='x3' class='x'>

### Y coordinate
<input type='number' value=10 id='y1'>
<input type='number' value=5 id='y2'>
<input type='number' value=2.5 id='y3'>

<!-- I used a submit button, I do not know how to make it totally reactive -->
<input type='button' id='plot' value='Update points' class='btn btn-primary'>


The styling part was simple, I just wanted to create a side by side layout for the inputs with a submit button at the bottom.

input {
  display: block;

.xs, .ys {
  display: inline-block;

Inlcuding a placeholder for the plot

This can be an empty div just with an id or another identification attribute.

<!-- The next div is a placeholder for the plot -->
<div id="tester" style="width:600px; height:400px;"></div>

Adding dependecies

At this point it is important to include the dependencies that the javascript code needs. Plolty.js in this particular case.

<!-- You have to include the plolty.js script -->
<script src=""></script>

Create the JavaScript logic

This is definitely the fun part of the question, how can we use the inputs in the user interface to update the plot.

The details of every objet is going to be within the code as commets, here are the overall description of the process.

1- Get the htlm element that should contain the plot

2- Create an object with the default data to plot

3- Create an object with the layout configuration

4- Create an array with the default data

5- Create the default plot using the Plolty.newPlot() method, which takes the data and layout as parameters

6- Use jQuery to add an event listener to the button. The callback function will do as follows

  • Create a new data object with the inputs values
  • Append this new object to de data array
  • Generate the plot again

// 1- Get the html element that should contain the plot
plot = document.getElementById('tester');

// 2- Create an object with the default data
let var1 = {
  x: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10],
  y: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10],
  mode: 'markers',
  type: 'scatter',
  name: 'deafault'

// 3- Layout configuration
let layout = {
  xaxis: {
    range: [ 0, 10.5 ]
  yaxis: {
    range: [0, 10.5]

// 4- data array
let data = [var1]

// 5- Default plot
Plotly.newPlot(plot, data, layout);

// Using jQuery add an event listener on click to de button
// that way when the user click on it the plot will be updated
  let userInputs = {
    x: [$('#x1').val(), $('#x2').val(), $('#x3').val()],
    y: [$('#y1').val(), $('#y2').val(), $('#y3').val()],
    mode: 'markers',
    type: 'scatter',
    name: 'user'
  data = [var1, userInputs] 
  Plotly.newPlot(plot, data, layout);

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